Cookie Cutter Customs

Cookie Cutter Customs. Can't see the video? Upgrade your shit!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dame Fucken Vega

Freddy holding down the CCC cult back in CA, thanks brother, post up what you can!!

for all you fuckers who thought we didn't build anymore... fuck you and pay up! the cookie cutters will always fuck your girlfriend and pick a fight!

whick brings me to the biggest punk rock god i know! Dame Fucken Vega, if you thought our bikes were what made us so fucking crazy you were wrong, Dame in the crew is why no one fucks with the Cookie Cutters!

give it up for the broncos! fuck it, they suck.. but not as much as the oil bag mounting job i did... "WE ARE THE COOKIE CUTTERS, DON'T GET ALONG WITH OTHERS!!!" we come and go but if you love shit and shame motorbikes you know where to find us!

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